Part of it is to do with pacing, the film starts a little dull in places and later on as more happens in the story it felt rushed and at times it affects the storytelling which has its muddled moments. There are problems here in 'Wonder Woman'. Does it deserve the negativity in a lot of the comments here? While it is easy to see why people would be disappointed, as it could have been better, my answer would be no and that some of the hate is over the top. Is 'Wonder Woman' as good as the hype and a wonder of a film? Not to me, there are a few things that stop it from being even better. Which she gets in this 2017 effort directed by Patty Jenkins. Enjoyed the character of Wonder Woman as a kid, and always felt compared to other superhero characters that she deserved her own film. As someone who does enjoy superhero films when done right, there are some good ones out there as well as some disappointing ones.